Saturday, August 4, 2012

Books! Glorious Books! Hot Sausage and Mustard!

Super special books from Special Collections! We've received almost two thousand 19th century British novels, most in good to great condition. While there's no time to read these little treasures we can at least admire their lovely covers and marvel at their titles. Take that, Kindle!!

Bookplates from books awarded as prizes to deserving students!

For D.M.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Nazi Olympics

With Olympic Fever in the air we should all pause to remember the 1936 Summer Olympics. Hosted by Berlin and a giddy Adolf Hitler who was anxious to show off to the rest of the world his well trained athletes and enthusiastic, orderly (robot)citizens. Nazi propaganda was everywhere, even in the printed (in Berlin, in English, offset) Olympic programs, as seen here. To see the Olympics in action, see Nazi filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia. 
It makes you wonder - how many athletes who performed during these Olympics were killed in World War 2? Or how about the printers of these programs? Did their printshop even survive the war?

Are those THE four horsemen?                  


Three-Man-Naked-Juggling! My favorite! The Olympics has (sadly) since banned this particularly lovely-to-behold sport.

Some people just look funny when they're being sporty.

For whom does this Nazi bell toll?

Poorly named mouthwash for athletes only.

Eye-less (soul-less) Aryans?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ugliness Abounds

Sometimes people send the art library their unsolicited hand-made books. Sometimes they're ugly. This is one of them. 

Great-great-Grandma risen from the grave, complete with buttons, lace, shells, and ribbons. Grandma, why??

Better tie it closed or it will barf trinkets all over you!

When in doubt, whitewash it.

Pretty vintage hat-pins gone to waste in this miasma of Victorian slop.

Doodles and filthy fabric pieces included.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Greetings, Earthling!

Who's got UFO-fever!? I know I do!! Be sure to read the NASA funded study by some lucky college guys about what might happen if (perhaps WHEN!) aliens come to planet earth. These incredibly illustrated journals of science fiction (the future??) are not from Stanford, but picked up by myself at a yard sale last weekend.

Post Roswell future!

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Nice tunics, Adam and Eve.


Look closely! That's the "Futurama" dude!

Feathers, fur-bikinis, gloves and a deep tan are requisite if you're gonna survive the Sand Doom.

Bummer, for both of them.