Saturday, May 12, 2012

Come Fly With Me

Two thumbs up for old advertising! Madmen is nothing but a soap opera for people with good taste. An old-lady-bored-at-home-must-watch-something-livelier-than-the-snoozing-cats soap opera. Only difference between Madmen and All My Children is the impeccable art direction of the nighttime soap. But look here! REAL advertising beautifully rendered just prior to Don Draper's takeover of AMC. And really, if that show was worth anything, they would've kept Sal(vatore) Romano, the only really likable character of the whole bunch.

Four-color perfection

NOT starring Keanu Reeves

Looks like the milkman? Maybe all delivery personnel wore bow ties in olden days.

You're going to need unlimited vision in a squall like that.  

Oh, the places you'll go. There will even be men in sombreros with donkeys!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Visualizing and Wanting

Who are these "Rosicrucians?" I'd heard the word before, reminiscent of "crucifix" and "roses." But roses smell nasty and crucifixes are for dead people, so who would've thought, upon further investigation, that the Rosicrucians were so awesome as to constantly question life's mysteries? And for those of you who think life is what-you-see-is-what-you-get, well, I feel sorry for you. Even Albert Einstein knew just how cool mysteries are when he said "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." Don't think you know everything...

Blurry-lady with red-vines in her hair and christmas lights all around! What a powerful mind!!

Yes, that's a soul patch on this contemplative doctor.

I want to go to that strange world!!

Special guests of the society in special pants.

Save on design costs by only having four different cover images per 12 issues a year!

I'm heading to San Jose to find these guys...

See David Lynch!

The word "berserk" is just not used enough these days.


Hmmm... can I trust the society??