Wednesday, January 25, 2012

All That Glitters...

While Paris is for lovers and New York is for dreamers, Dubai is for slaves. Behind the shiny, nasty, brand new facade of this growing-like-a-cancer manufactured town (home to Dick Cheney's Halliburton) there are the slaves who've built it. Don't let the gorgeous glitter bookcloth on Joel Sternfeld's book of photography trick you - it's fool's gold and everything within these glimmering covers is proof of the lie that is Dubai. If you don't believe me or Joel, look to the fine investigative reporting of the BBC's Ben Anderson. While Vice's Shane Smith looks a little monkey-ish in his suit n tie (maybe he wore it for irony's sake?) their commentary adds nicely to this short (take the few minutes to watch it - well worth your time and attention) Dubai documentary, in part featured here. But I still love glitter, unapologetically.

Man at milk teat and poor sad falcon in the mall

Fake winter to go with fake enjoyment of fake times at fake mall.

Thanks, Joel Sternfeld, for including this one. Is this what happens to the falcon once it's lived in the mall for a while?

The real Dubai, built by slaves.

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